intro(9) - phpMan

addseverity (3)      - introduce new severity classes
bootparam (7)        - introduction to boot time parameters of the Linux kernel
busctl (1)           - Introspect the bus
git-bisect (1)       - Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
git-cherry-pick (1)  - Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits
git-whatchanged (1)  - Show logs with difference each commit introduces
gittutorial (7)      - A tutorial introduction to Git (for version 1.5.1 or n...
gittutorial-2 (7)    - A tutorial introduction to Git: part two
intro (1)            - introduction to user commands
intro (2)            - introduction to system calls
intro (3)            - introduction to library functions
intro (4)            - introduction to special files
intro (5)            - introduction to file formats
intro (6)            - introduction to games
intro (7)            - introduction to overview, conventions, and miscellany ...
intro (8)            - introduction to administration and privileged commands
perlguts (1)         - Introduction to the Perl API
perlintro (1)        - - a brief introduction and overview of Perl
perluniintro (1)     - Perl Unicode introduction
XML::SAX::Intro (3pm) - An Introduction to SAX Parsing with Perl